The Sharron Angle sting operation

All signs point to a set-up of Sharron Angle in the recently released secret recording of a private conversation she had with Scott Ashjian, the Senate candidate of the "Tea Party of Nevada" - an organization that was created out of thin air, and which has the appearance of being created to siphon votes away froim Angle, thereby benefitting Harry Reid. Ron Futrell explains on Big Journalism:

The Chairman of the "Tea Party of Nevada," Syd James (it is basically a party of two), arranged a meeting with the Angle camp under the premise that Ashjian would drop out and endorse Angle (Ashjian's name would still be on the ballot). Ashjian has claimed that it was Angle who arranged the meeting, but James assures me that it he arranged it and he's sorry he did.

Ashjian wore a wire into the meeting and covertly taped the conversation with Angle. James said he had no idea that the meeting was taped and would've never done it had he known Ashjian was going to tape it. If you listen to the tapes, understand their surreptitious nature and understand the context was that Angle thought Ashjian had come bearing gifts of an endorsement. If Angle made a mistake it was trusting Ashjian, but since James arranged the meeting, the Angle camp was trusting James, who is a highly respected doctor in Las Vegas.

As a result, James feels used by Ashjian and has told me he will resign from his position with the "Tea Party of Nevada" and endorse Angle. When's the last time you heard of the head of one political party (if you want to call the "Tea Party of Nevada" a party) resigning to endorse another party's candidate less than a month before the election?

If anything, these covert tapes show off Angle's conservative "chops" and that everything she has said on the campaign trail is exactly what she believes behind closed doors. You don't find that often in politics. She believes the Republican establishment has lost its way on fiscal and Constitutional issues and that a new breed of politicians will set things straight in D.C. Thank you, Scott Ashjian, for wearing that wire and confirming that we can trust Sharron Angle.

Lee Cary warned AT readers in July about the nature of the tactics that would be employed against Angle:

What follows is a non-verbatim account of an interview with Mr. X. His exact language is in quotes. Mr. X was deeply involved in Chicago Machine politics for many years. He has intimate knowledge of those responsible for manipulating the Cook County electoral process toward the outcome intended by the Machine. He eventually went undercover for the FBI and testified in trials that resulted in multiple convictions...Mr. X has reason to believe that Nevada GOP Senatorial Candidate Sharron Angle, who is running against Sen. Harry Reid, will face a level of corrupt electioneering practices equal to what he witnessed for many years in Chicago. This is his warning to the Angle Campaign.

...And in the run-up to the election, don't be surprised if the Reid people secretively finance and encourage a third-party candidate with the sole purpose of diverting anti-Reid votes to help him in his race against Angle. You don't think this'll happen?

"Wake up and smell the bacon. They've been doing that in Chicago for years. Why do you think they call Cook County 'crook county'?" 

In a close race like this, siphoning off even one percent of the vote to a false flag candidate can tip the results. The fake tea party resembles one of the oldest big city machine games: getting a candidate with the same or very similar name to one's opponent to run, thereby diverting enough voters to vote for the wrong candidate.
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