Viacom shills for Obama

If anyone doubted that Hollywood is in the pockets of Barack Obama and the Democrats, doubt no more.

Politico reports:
EXCLUSIVE: Viacom will announce today that its cable networks BET, CMT and MTV will air a one-hour, commercial-free youth town hall with President Obama at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 14. "Let's Talk: A Conversation with President Obama" will air live before an audience of approximately 250 young people, representing a broad cross-section of backgrounds, interests and political viewpoints. It's a production of MTV News and BET News and will be hosted by MTV's Sway Calloway, BET's April Woodard and CMT's Katie Cook. Obama will answer questions from the studio audience as well as from viewers who submit questions via Twitter.

Obama has been making a concerted effort to revive the youth vote in the wake of polls showing the Democrats are in the doghouse.  He has been exhorting young people to come home to the Democrats and vote as they did in 2008. This is why he has been touring college campuses. Now, he gets help by Viacom  which is giving him and the Democrats one hour of free advertising on their youth-focused channels.

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