Airport 2010 or Crazy in Cincinnati

The cute kids and their neatly-lettered sign thank the TSA for "keeping our family safe."

One suspects that, after enjoying moderate portions of free range Thanksgiving turkey and organic sweet potatoes, cooperative little Eddie and Tiffany Haskell will heed the Department of Health and Human Services PSA and turn in Grandma to the feds for Medicare fraud.

From airports across the land come tweets that the dreaded scanners have been turned off. It seems the pantomime of airport security has been superseded by an even more important administration show-the Fox-heralded revolt against genital groping must, at all costs, appear to fizzle.

Thanksgiving's instant celebrity is the young business traveller claiming that on his return from Europe he resisted successfully being forced to submit to the dreaded full body scan or grope. After exhibiting admirable persistence and self-discipline, he was able to exit the airport with his dignity, if anything enhanced, escorted as he was by an entourage of more than a dozen representatives of various security and police agencies. For skeptics, it is reported that "Recently imposed rules from the Transportation Security Administration require all passengers entering so-called ‘sterile' areas such as concourses be screened either with a body-scanner or a metal detector and an additional pat-down by hand that can include touching of genitals," and apparently this does, at least in Cincinnati, include arriving passengers.

Come to think of it, the Haskell kids and their sign were also spotted at the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport. That should serve as a warning to those who believe the United States consists of a red core of sanity sandwiched between two blue coasts. We have a lot of work to do.

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