Confrontation In Costa Rica

Once again, the leftist thugs of Central America test our mettle and prove the  impotence of international organizations.

Haaretz reports that Iran,Venezuela and Nicaragua are working together to encroach on Costa Rican territory:

The recent border dispute between Costa Rica and Nicaragua is a sign of an ambitious plan by Venezuela, Iran and Nicaragua to create a "Nicaragua Canal" linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans that would rival the existing Panama Canal.

Costa Rica says that last week Nicaraguan troops entered its territory along the San Juan River - the border between the two nations. Nicaragua had been conducting channel deepening work on the river when the incident occurred.

Sources in Latin America have told Haaretz that the border incident and the military pressure on Costa Rica, a country without an army, are the first step in a plan formulated by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, with funding and assistance from Iran, to create a substitute for the strategically and economically important Panama Canal.

The plan has aroused concern in Washington, and the U.S. has started behind the scenes efforts to foil it.[snip]

The Panamanian economy and Panamanian stability would be in real danger of collapse if another canal took away its monopoly on shipping between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

 Nicaragua has refused the OAS request that it pull  its troops back.

It appears that Moscow may be getting into ths act, too, against a nation which  has no military to defend it:

Both capitals are accusing the other of "provocations," but it is evident that the neo-Sandinista regime is moving more military and construction equipment into the disputed river region.

This week, San Jose's Minister of Public Security, Jose Maria Tijerino, announced that the Costa Rican National Police seized six military trucks that were shipped from Germany and bound for Nicaragua. The vehicles landed at the port of Limón as Nicaragua does not have suitable ports on its Caribbean coast. Later, after meeting with President Chinchilla's Security Council, Tijerino revealed that the trucks would be permitted to proceed to their destination. "This serves as an example we are [a] state of rights and are not at war with Nicaragua," explained Tijerino.

Although the military trucks seized by the Costa Ricans apparently originated in Germany, geopolitical analysts should prepare for the possibility that Russia will at some point begin shipping military hardware to its old Central American client state. Since KGB asset Ortega returned to power four years ago, Moscow has pledged to upgrade Nicaragua's Soviet-vintage armed forces. Indeed, earlier this month, Nicaragua's ambassador to the Russian Federation, Luis Alberto Molina Quadra, attended a session of the Russian-Nicaraguan Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation. The commission held its first "post"-Cold War meeting in Managua last June.

This past Monday, Pastora announced on national radio that Managua will dispatch two more dredges to the San Juan. He did not offer a date for resumption of the dredging, but noted that the project will span two years and, when the work is complete, large ships will be able to navigate the San Juan. The National Port Company will provide one of the new dredges, while a third is being built in the town of El Viejo. Interestingly, as we have pointed out before, the first dredge to appear on site and to provoke the current commotion between Nicaragua and Costa Rica was designed by a Russian engineer
How convenient would it be to Iran and Russia to be able to move shipments from one ocean to another so close to our border without having to fear inspections for weapons and contraband?
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