He can always go back to ESPN - if they'll have him

The perfect end to a perfect week? Keith Olbermann laid low by his own bias?

It only seems a victory. The idiotic notion that journalists are independent or impartial is what is killing newspapers and other media today. Nobody believes that anymore - if they ever did. The Olbermann suspension/firing demonstrates a lack of ethics on the part of NBC News. Their outmoded policy that makes journalists out to be ink stained cavaliers fighting for truth and justice is just plain nonsense and everyone except the arrogant popinjays in the media know it.

Jonah Goldberg:

So Olbermann gave money to some Democratic candidates. Ostensibly the rules against this are intended to prevent journalists from giving the appearance of bias. Whether or not such rules make sense for actual reporters, such rules are silly for someone like Olbermann. Does anybody, and I mean anybody, suddenly trust Olbermann's opinion less because of this news? I'm waiting. Does anyone think he's less biased? More biased? Un-biased?
Second, the larger problem with these kinds of rules is that they do little to prevent media bias and a great deal to hide an important form of evidence of it. Banning liberal journalists from giving money doesn't prevent them from being liberal, it just gives them a bit more plausibility when they deny it. Now, I can see the argument that someone who makes a donation would be more interested in protecting their investment, as it were. So I don't think the policy is completely misguided. But at a certain level banning donations is like NPR barring staff from attending the Jon Stewart rally. It doesn't fool anyone, but gives the accused a lawyerly rebuttal to accurate accusations.

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