Inaction Will Equal Complacency

Last week, Rush Limbaugh told a cautionary anecdote about what ultimately happened to the conservatives who were elected in the 1994 landslide victory:

"...the '94 freshman class was made up of what you would have to say were the forerunners of Tea Partiers. I met a bunch of them. They'd come to my TV show. These were not inside the Beltway people. I would ask 'em: "Well, what are you going to do about X?" "Well, we just gonna change it." It was simple as pie. "We're just gonna change it."

But they found it very difficult to change things, and so they left. ...One of the things is that politics is a business like any other, and there are procedures for rising to the top. In that business, just like there is in your business. I mean, you want to become president of the company you gotta do what the board of directors, what the company expects. There's a game you have to play; there's a role that you have to fulfill. It's not always that mavericks climb all the way to top, and these procedures at times can seduce everybody, or anybody. So it will be very, veeery interesting to watch how the newbies, the victors on Tuesday, end up assimilating in the House..."

Thomas Sowell wrote back in March that  "the 2010 election may be the last chance to halt the dismantling of America. It can be the point of no return." Yet, last night's victory is only the beginning.  If the newly-elected conservatives do not do everything within their power to halt Obama's agenda, the results will be no different than if they had not won in the first place. Inaction is not an option. Inaction will equal complacency. We must not deceive ourselves into thinking that the worst that can come of the president's radical schemes is a slid into European-style socialism. Mark Steyn has written:

"On its present course, as Dennis Prager put it, America "will be a large Sweden, and just as influential as the smaller one."

And that's the optimistic scenario - because the only reason Sweden can be Sweden and Germany Germany and France France is that America is America. Who will cushion America's decline as America cushioned Europe's?"

Steyn concluded that the harsh reality is that there isn't anyone to shoulder such a burden; and, because of this, if America continues to decline, its decline "will be steeper, faster, and more devastating than Britain's -- and something far closer to Rome's."

America is the glue that holds together the entire free world; if its strength is allowed to further deteriorate, people in the not-so-distant future will lay more blame at the feet of those that had the power to prevent such deterioration than they will lay at the feet of those very politicians who explicitly stated that they meant to permanently alter our way of life or "fundamentally transform" it.

The Republicans have laid out their plan to restore and repair our republic in "The Pledge to America" and they cannot begin too soon to implement the promises they made.
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