Irony: Obama to be interviewed by American Idol co-host Ryan Seacrest

Barack Obama was once the biggest American Idol and now he has to plead for young people to go to the polls -- because he threw them under the bus after securing their votes in 2008. The youth feel he is a passing fad and feel he has jilted them over the past two years, according to this New York Times article.

Doesn't the office deserve  just a bit more respect and dignity?

From the Washington Examiner:
Because after appearing on the cover of American Dog, President Obama is still finding new and even more superficial media outlets to waste his valuable time on further diluting that vaunted "Obama brand":

The administration's last-minute push to turn out the vote is spurring some unconventional media outreach efforts. But none of them have been quite as unlikely as that announced on Monday - President Obama will be doing an interview with Ryan Seacrest. The "American Idol" co-host will be talking to Obama on Election Day for a segment on his radio show, ‘On Air with Ryan Seacrest.' And in a Facebook post, he put out a solicitation for questions.
What is next for Obama's scrapbook? Justin Bieber?
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