John Kerry: Let's give Syria the Golan Heights

The Wikileaks doc dump has had the unintended effect of revealing some of the true feelings of American policy makers regarding Israel, our Middle East allies, and the peace process.

For instance, one eye opening document reveals John Kerry's eagerness to give Syria the Golan Heights back to Syria while throwing in East Jerusalem for the Palestinians. Josh Rogin:

On a February trip to the Middle East, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman John Kerry (D-MA) told Qatari leaders that the Golan Heights should be returned to Syria, that a Palestinian capital should be established in East Jerusalem as part of the Arab-Israeli peace process, and that he was "shocked" by what he saw on a visit to Gaza.

Kerry discussed the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in a visit to Qatar during separate meetings with Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani and the Emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa, as revealed by the disclosure of diplomatic cables by the website WikiLeaks.

The emir told Kerry to focus on Syria as the path toward resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Kerry agreed with the emir that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a man who wants change but pointed out that his arming of Hezbollah and interference in Lebanese politics were unhelpful. Kerry said that Assad "needs to make a bolder move and take risks" for peace, and that he should be "more statesman-like." Kerry also agreed with the emir that the Golan Heights should be given back to Syria at some point.

"The Chairman added that Netanyahu also needs to compromise and work the return of the Golan Heights into a formula for peace," the diplomatic cable reported.

There's a very good reason Israel is reluctant to part with the Golan Heights; they command a superior firing position for Syrian artillery. The reason they were taken in the first place was because of Syria's nasty habit of opening fire from the Golan without warning on innocent Israelis going about their daily lives. Until Bibi has a negotiating partner in Syria he can trust, the Golan Heights will stay where they are.

And East Jerusalem? I suppose Kerry can readily dismiss longstanding US policy on the need to maintain an undivided Jerusalem as capitol of Israel but who's paying attention?

We are - now that the truth of this man's betrayals are in the open.

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