Mr. West goes to Washington

This should be interesting.  Colonel Allen West is someone with whom the Congressional Black Caucus is exceedingly unfamiliar: a man of African heritage who refuses to play victim and who lives by the words "let us judge men not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." The CBC will hear, when they hear from Mr. West, the truth about their policies, the damage they inflict, and their failed philosophy.  

This video captures what is to come:

Watching it, one perceives - if one has sense - that one is hearing a statesman.  Mature and deliberative, Mr. West has the carriage of conviction, a leader whose destiny is to exemplify standards and to couch them with grace.  Let us pray, we hear more from this new representative.  And that the Congressional Black Caucus won't plug its ears.  

Greg Halvorson is the founder of Soldiers Without Boots, and hosts Freedom Warrior Radio on Blog Talk Radio.

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