START Treaty: More teeny-bopper legislating

It's rather obvious the Obama Administration and the Reid/Pelosi congress learned nothing from cramming a massive health care bill down the throats of American voters. They get their butts handed to them in the mid-term elections by an electorate that clearly does not subscribe to the policy of, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it," and yet here they go again trying to rush through a treaty with the totally untrustworthy Russians simply because the lame-duck Democrats need to appear to be doing something.

Most Americans will feel much more comfortable with a START Treaty that has been thoroughly studied by the new Congress being seated in 2011, rather than another slap dash attempt at cramming an agreement down America's throat that she will later gag on like the terribly ill-advised ObamaCare. With that legislative disaster we're uncovering ugly consequences on a weekly basis that threaten our health care and our pocketbooks. With a hastily passed START we could be uncovering ugly consequences that threaten our sovereignty and our very lives.

Barack Obama's record on foreign policy successes is dismal to say the least. He's been handed his hat by foreign leaders around the world who wisely sense they are dealing with an over-confident but incompetent neophyte. Why should the American people suddenly accept that this inept community organizer has miraculously blossomed into a wise and skillful player on the field of international diplomacy? As for his Secretary of State, I can only say that once a person has sold their soul to the devil on the altar of political ambition, there is likely no limit on what else or who else they will sell out to achieve their political aspirations.

Democrats continue to practice teeny-bopper legislating: pass it quick because we're just so damned much smarter than everyone else that we just know it's the right thing to do; hurry up and get it passed before the adults have time to examine it and make any grown-up decisions because you know how they'll just pick it apart and find fault with it.

Think about the START Treaty this way America:

Would we ever have passed ObamaCare if the adults had been given time to look at it? 

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