Tea Party Gains

Well, we didn't get everything we wanted in the midterms, but we got a lot. And, the things we got were pretty good.

Most importantly, we took back the House and made it much easier to block Progressive legislation Americans are clearly against. Remember how we sweated out Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts after ObamaCare passed to get the 41st senate vote? As a bonus, we don't have to put up with lunatic Alan Grayson of Florida anymore.

We sent a big message to RINOs that they will no longer be able to ignore the conservative base just because they carry an "R" behind their names. They were working against us anyway, so why tolerate them? Remaining RINOs like Collins and Snowe are already sounding more conservative.

We won governorships in states important to the presidential electoral process. Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Texas not only have Republican governors, but also gained Republican legislative majorities important in the redistricting process.

Blue-Dog Democrats were exposed as the wolves-in-sheep's-clothing they truly were. Many of the remaining Democrats will be much more amenable to working with Republicans to burnish their images in preparation for the next election.

Finally, we demonstrated that grassroots politics continues to work in the Internet Age. Instead of giving up, we got fired up and made some major gains. Let's take that energy and positive experience into 2012 to further solidify the conservative comeback.

Tom Roberson
is an independent conservative holding finance and engineering degrees doing his small part to save his country. He'd love to hear from you.

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