The Dems' empty seat problem

Last minute rallies may tell the story about voter turnout today: people are just not showing up for the Dems. A couple of days ago, President Obama faced thousands of empty seats at a Cleveland rally. Yesterday, Michelle Obama went to Las Vegas to pish Harry Reid. The Liberal UK Independent reports:

Two years ago, at the height of Obamania, theFirst Lady was a sort of rock-star; with a following wind, she could fill an outdoor stadium. Today, her stock has fallen. A few hundred people did turn out to hear her speech, but there were swathes of seats left empty at the back, and plenty of standing room around the stage. Ticker tape was conspicuous by its absence.

And in Delaware:

Biden headlined a Democratic rally in downtown Wilmington on Monday evening that drew about 200 people.

I have spent a lot of time in downtown Wilmington. It is not exactly Times Square, but rustling up only 200 souls is pathetic.

If as many Dems stay home today, the election will be quite a sweep for the GOP.


I just voted in Berkeley, California, and it was DESERTED. It looks like the hard left has given up on voting, at least in the late morning.
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