The people are watching; Don't screw it up, GOP

Last night I watched the precincts reporting in with their tallies.  In Pennsylvania, conservatives sat on the edge of their seats waiting to see the outcome of the Toomey-Sestak senate race.  Early reports were showing left leaning Joe Sestak with a sizable lead.  We held our collective breathe as the minutes passed.  We saw one Congressional seat after another turn over to the GOP.

Yet, still we waited until after midnight when voters pulled Pat Toomey from the proverbial ashes and handed him a victory, giving him the seat long held by Senator Arlen Specter.  I went to sleep with a smile on my face.  All of the hard work, all of the hours, all of the time I spent away from my family had paid off.

I felt vindicated...for a moment.

I turned on the radio this morning and found Harry Reid still in office.  His voice echoed through my kitchen saying that now was the time to compromise in Washington.  WHAT???  Why didn't that apply when Democrats were in full power?  Did Harry Reid finally have a come to Jesus moment?  No.  He has found himself in the minority.

Then while waiting to do a radio interview myself I heard that Minority Leader John Boehner's chief of staff had removed language supporting traditional marriage from the Pledge to America.  This is the first nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party compromises as they did in the 90's they will be writing their own obituary.  We are watching.  We will not go away.  You are accountable to us: the people who put you in power.

Don't screw it up.

Katy Abram told Senator Arlen Specter he had "awakened the sleeping giant" at a town hall which was the beginning of the end for the Senator.  Katy can be followed on twitter @katyabram or contacted at for speaking engagements.
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