Why Democrats always win the close ones

This piece by Seton Motley at Big Government captures the essence of why Democrats seem to always manage to win the close races.

What we're witnessing in the south Texas (TX-27 - Corpus Christi and Brownsville) Congressional recount that followed the race is a dramatic interpretation of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle magic act.

With 28-year just defeated Democrat incumbent Solomon Ortiz portraying Bullwinkle the Moose, and Republican Congressman-elect Blake Farenthold reprising Rocky the Squirrel.

Farenthold: "And now..."

Ortiz: "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a ballot out of my hat."

Farenthold: "Again?"

On November 2, Farenthold beat Ortiz by 799 votes. A tight race to be sure, but one that could be described as outside the margin of ACORN. I mean error.

The fairly Leftist Corpus Christi Caller Times even said in a November 6 editorial "Honor the vote, which went for Farenthold."

But Ortiz did not - and has not -acquiesced. He demanded a recount. And that's when the "Out of Thin Air" show began. Ortiz, Inc. keeps finding new bags containing new ballots - many with his name on them.

To sum up, Ortiz just keeps finding new ballots to count, most of which have his name on them. Should we suspect fraud? Why not? We've got plenty of examples elsewhere.

The Democrats will keep counting, and counting, and counting, and then they'll count some more. And if they haven't won by that time they will resume counting until their candidate wins.

Remember: Every vote counts - at least once.

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