Another sharp, Republican, conservative female politician

Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley, move over and make room for another sharp, republican, conservative female politician. She's the wonder waitress of Ken's Country Kitchen in Richmond, Michigan 23 year old freshman representative Andrea LaFontaine. She told the Detroit News that she based her campaign on "her basic conservative values" of pro gun, pro life and pro business


At Ken's Country Kitchen, LaFontaine multitasks during the lunchtime rush. She deftly buses tables, delivers entrees and tallies checks, all while keeping an eye on the levels in her customers' drink glasses and coffee cups. She's been working at the restaurant on and off since she was 13 and is an excellent waitress, according to owner Zef Camaj.

"The restaurant business seems to be my forte, besides politics," she quipped recently at the end of her shift.

LaFontaine received an undergraduate degree in political science from Central Michigan University, and as a waitress, a masters from the school of hard knocks. For Michigan taxpayers such as myself, it's refreshing to have a lawmaker that can make change. In November Michigan voters elected a republican businessman governor, in a landslide, turned out the democrat majority from the state house for the first time since 1998 and cemented a GOP super-majority in the state senate.

Don't be surprised if Michigan turns out to be turn-around story.

Bill Weckesser

East Lansing, MI

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