Edible Fracking Chemicals

I share Ed Lasky's concerns about environmentalists attempting to block the country's access to what appears to be an enormous supply of American natural gas  (American Thinker, Cheap Natural Gas and its Enemies.)  Environmentalists have not yet met an energy source they like; even solar and wind projects are litigated by green groups.

In a recent story in the Boston Globe, for example, former New England EPA chief John Devillars writes, "Of course, there is much more to be done, especially on climate change and other threats, from fracking chemicals to mountaintop coal removal." 

Fracking chemicals are used to fracture shale-rock formation, releasing natural gas deposits, and the possibility of these chemicals contaminating ground water has given greens a rationale for trying to block access to a clean-burning domestic fuel.

The Wall Street Journal however reports good news today in its story, "Edible Ingredients Used to Drill for Gas."  Apparently Halliburton and Baker Hughes have developed fracking chemicals using fatty acids and other ingredients found in toothpaste, ketchup, ice cream and beer.  The enemies of cheap natural gas of course won't congratulate Halliburton for being a good steward of the planet and switch their position.   I wonder where the next attack will come from.  Fatty acids in the edible fracking chemicals lead to an obesity epidemic in the caribou population?
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