Green v. Green

I love it when holier-than-thou greenies attack one another. When the global warming scam was in its regnant phase, we saw former China Syndrome hysterics start embracing nuclear power. (Now that the con is falling apart, will nukes become evil again?) But yesterday, driving the streets of Berkeley, I came across a new variant in the Green v Green struggle:

First of all, "old growth desert" is a new phrase to me. I suppose some of those big cacti they have in Arizona get pretty old, so they qualify as old growth. But in my mind, desert connotes a place where very little grows, a wasteland. But that would apply the to Arctic, and look at how greenies have blocked development of massive oil reserves in ANWR, based on theoretical problems with wildlife.

(Questions for Michelle Obama: are there old growth food deserts? Can we get protection for aging McDonalds, Taco Bells, and Pizza Huts? Can we acknolwledge that an organic grocery store could damage the old growth food desert ecosystem?)

What I love best about this picture though, is that the greenie van in question must get 12-13 miles per gallon. And the peeling paint adds a nice touch. I wonder if there is any lead in it?
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