Hugo Chavez blames 'criminal capitalism' for massive floods in Venezuela

This reminds me how the moonbats at Democratic Underground blamed Bush for the Christmas tsunami that killed 500,000 people. Hugo's got nothing on them as far as battiness is concerned:

Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez said he knows what's been causing the floods that have killed 32 people in his country and left 70,000 homeless: "criminal capitalism."

"The developed nations irresponsibly shatter the environmental order, in their desire to maintain a criminal development model while the immense majority of the earth's people suffer the most terrible consequences," he said on Venezuelan television Sunday.

Always a theatrical political figure, Chavez invited everyone left homeless by the flood to come sleep in the presidential palace last Monday.

While he couldn't fit all 70,000 flood victims into his plush mansion, he did allow 25 to stay in the presidential palace, according to Reuters.

He also ordered space for those affected by the flooding to stay in army barracks, ministries and a Caracas shopping mall, while placing the blame for the natural disaster on other countries.

"The world's powerful economies insist on a destructive way of life," he said on Sunday. "And then refuse to take any responsibility."

In addition to causing mass homelessness in Venezuela, the floods sweeping the region also devastated Colombia, killing 170 people and affecting more than 1.5 million, Reuters reported.

I'm sure in the interest of saving his own country and the developing world from the ravages of climate change, Hugo will shut down his oil wells and Venezuela will refuse to sell to any nation -  "criminal capitalist" or otherwise.

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