Merry Christmas from ObamaCare

ObamaCare is the gift that just keeps giving...whether you want it or not. I just received a letter from my health insurance company informing me that they were "updating my plan to include additional coverage." As a business owner, I directly pay for my own insurance, and last year I saw my rates rise significantly in anticipation of the new health care law.

My new coverage includes the following:

· My lifetime dollar maximum is removed. Since I understand the meaning of the word "insurance," I had chosen a policy with a high deductible and a very high lifetime maximum. I suspect that I'm now subsidizing those who had chosen a small lifetime maximum.

· My lifetime maximum is removed for transplant services and sterilization services. I'm not sure how many times I might want to get sterilized. I suspect one time would do it, but there you go.

· Adult children will be considered dependents until age 26, no matter what. Now by age 26 I had been serving in the Army for 8 years and would not have dreamed about living off of my parents in any way. I think I'll consider myself a failure as a parent if my children haven't made their way in the world by age 26.

So the bottom line is that I have new benefits that I did not want , would not choose to pay for, and don't need. By sheer common sense and the laws of economics, those benefits must come at a cost (No Free Lunch). The hefty hike in premiums that I faced last year was certainly in anticipation of the new law.

Of course, ObamaCare was meant to increase my choice in health insurance and make it more affordable, right? Apparently not. The last section of the letter tells me about "my grandfathered status." "Your plan does not have to carry other mandated benefits required by plans purchased after the new health care legislation was passed. Those additional benefits will likely mean corresponding increases in premium." So if I ever want to change health care plans or providers I must accept the coverage dictated by the government, regardless of what I want, and pay accordingly. Thank you Mr. President, I can't wait to see what you will get me next year.

M Allen Fritsch is an entrepreneur and business owner. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy and a former Army officer. He foolishly believes he is responsible for paying for his own health insurance.

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