More damaging revelations from Wikileaks

You could probably make the above headline a "sticky" and leave it at the top of the blog. All we'd have to do is change the story from day to day on how the latest revelation from Wikileaks has weakened the United States.

Today's blow are revelations about facilities in other countries that we consider "vital" to our security. From BBC:

In February 2009 the State Department asked all US missions abroad to list all installations whose loss could critically affect US national security.

The list includes pipelines, communication and transport hubs.

Several UK sites are listed, including cable locations, satellite sites and BAE Systems plants.

BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus says this is probably the most controversial document yet from the Wikileaks organisation.

The definition of US national security revealed by the cable is broad and all embracing, he says.

There are obvious pieces of strategic infrastructure like communications hubs, gas pipelines and so on. However, other facilities on the list include:

* Cobalt mine in Congo
* Anti-snake venom factory in Australia
* Insulin plant in Denmark

In Britain, the list ranges from Cornwall to Scotland, including key satellite communications sites and the places where trans-Atlantic cables make landfall.

"What the list might do is to prompt potential attackers to look at a broader range of targets"

Moscow, Beijing, and probably Tehran and Pyongyang just updated their target lists.

With the threatened release of documents on Guantanamo, the BP oil spill, and files from an unidentified bank (probably Bank of America), we no doubt will enjoy several months of shock, embarrassment, and rage as the structure of American foreign policy is whittled away by these anarchist freaks.

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