Obama's next role: Two-Face in 'Batman'

This is what happens when you try to stretch the Constitution to make the unconstitutional, legal, regarding the question of individual mandates:

On page 25 of his decision, Judge Hudson writes, "Despite pre-enactment representations to the contrary by the Executive and Legislative branches, the Secretary now argues that the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision is, in essence, a ‘tax penalty.'"

That's a polite way of saying that the Obama administration willfully misled the public during the health-care debate. In fact, President Obama repeatedly denied that the mandate was a tax - but now, in order to pass constitutional muster, his administration is insisting it is. I urge you to watch the president's interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos to see just how emphatic Obama was. When Stephanopoulos says that the mandate is a tax increase, Obama scolds Stephanopoulos. "That's not true, George," the president says. "[It] is absolutely not a tax increase."

Now the president and his administration are arguing exactly the opposite.

We are used to hypocrisy in politics. We are used to hypocrisy from Obama. But we should never get used to the rank cynicism employed by this administration in doing whatever is necessary to jam Obamacare through the courts and force us all to participate in this scheme.


Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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