A question for the language police of the left

So Sarah Palin is heaped with scorn because "blood libel", which was originally used to describe calumny that was suffered by the Jews, and,  according to some on the left, should not be used for any other meaning.

OK, then--well, what about "ghetto"? That was used, just like "blood libel," in describing the Jewish section of the city (Venice) they were restricted to living in.

How about "diaspora"? That word originally described the forced migration of Jews.

Question: If "blood libel" is off limits, how about those two words--every aggrieved group in the world uses them, often in a laughably inaccurate and inappropriate manner.

And, hey, "ghetto" is an Italian word and "diaspora" a Greek one-while the left's language nannies are at it, maybe they should tell the Jews to use Hebrew or Yiddish words to describe these issues, huh?
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