Giffords' condition upgraded to 'serious'

Gabrielle Giffords continues her remarkable recovery from a gunshot wound to the head as her doctors have now removed her from the critical list.

The Washington Post:

Giffords is breathing on her own through a tube inserted in her windpipe. She had been breathing independently, but the ventilator had been in place as a preventive measure.

Hospital officials have scheduled a news conference for 1 p.m. Eastern time Monday to provide further details.

Also Sunday, mourners gathered throughout Tucson to honor the victims. Hundreds participated in a two-mile "Walk for Peace," starting from a park and ending at Giffords's office. Outside the building, residents have been leaving candles, cards, flowers and handmade posters all week to honor the congresswoman, elected in November to her third term.

Across town, more than 800 attended a memorial service for Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, a Giffords aide who was among those killed. And a funeral was held for Dorwan Stoddard, 76, who died while protecting his wife, Mavy, who also was shot but survived and attended the service.

We can argue the issues from now until next Christmas but the bottom line is about people. And the good news about Rep. Giffords is matched by the heartening news about the people of Tucson coming together in the tragedy's aftermath.

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