Graph for the Day, January 11, 2011

"During the last three years, youth employment has taken a large hit, absorbing a significant portion of job losses. One in four unemployed persons is under the age of 25, and nearly one in five young workers is unemployed.  The rate of joblessness among individuals aged 16-24 is at its highest level on record." [1]
  - The Great Recession and Joblessness Among Young Workers

"But rising youth unemployment is not just an American problem. ... Across the 30 OECD countries, there are nearly 15 million unemployed workers aged 15-24. ... One solution, they say, would be to expand apprenticeship programs, which allow young workers to acquire skills and work experience.  It seems to be working in Germany, where the ratio of youth unemployment to adult unemployment is 1.5 to 1, compared to 2.8 to 1 across the OECD area." [2]
  - Youth Unemployment Surges World-Wide


 2000-2010: Males 16-24 up 17.0 percentage points ~ Females 16-24 up 12.3 percentage points

Males 25-54 up 8.0 percentage points ~ Females 25-54 up 4.9 percentage points

Males 55 & older down 3.7 percentage points ~ Females 55 & older down 7.4 percentage points

Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., author of "Children at Risk" (Transaction, 2010), is Senior Fellow, The Beverly LaHaye Institute, Concerned Women for America.

[1] Shayne Henry, New America Foundation, December 8, 2010,

[2] Justin Lahart, Wall Street Journal, April 14, 2010,

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