Leftists: Have You No Sense of Decency Left?

Having seen the effects of violence first hand in my profession, my deepest sympathy goes out to the families of the victims of today's attack in AZ. Please pray for them.

However, I am also saddened to see all the knee-jerk comments in our media and many others who are attempting to use this criminal action for political advantage.

I have one question for you who seek to distort this crime to push your political ideology: Have you people no shame?  Have you, at long last, no sense of decency left?

I have heard terms like "ignorant" and "hateful" to describe people who have not the slightest to do with this unspeakable crime and have done nothing wrong but have simply spoken out and acted peacefully in support of Individual Rights, Freedom, and Liberty.

What is "ignorant" and "hateful" is to spread unfounded rebuking and draw negative inferences about people you know not an iota about and who have not a thing to do with this senseless crime - as we have been inundated with these slanderous accusations all day long......

Many people who know nothing about the person who committed this crime want to impugn other people because it fits their ideological bias and their pre-determined narrative that anyone who supports Individual Rights, Personal Freedom, and Constitutional/Limited government must somehow be "violent" or "hateful".

Or that by opposing actions by politicians which are unconstitutional or destructive of our society you must somehow be "creating an atmosphere of hate" if you exercise your free speech rights to speak out against such actions.

This is total bunk and is simply a shameful attempt to silence those who you disagree with.

Those who support individual rights and free markets are supporting a society based on voluntary association, choice and cooperation among citizens.

Conversely, those who advocate for government-based collectivist "solutions" for every conceivable ill in the world are in fact the ones who call for the use of coercion, and if needed, force to make others comply with their wishes.

As a factual matter, there is not a shred of real evidence that connects Ms Palin, conservatives, or the tea party to this act of violence. No, political ads with "crosshairs" aren't even close to "proof" of anything as not only did Ms. Palin use this but so did the DNC and the Daily KOS!

If one must look for a political motivation from this deranged individual his listing of the "Communist Manifesto" is probably all you need to know about the alleged shooter's political influences.

I know the implication that it is likely that this individual was a committed leftist or simply an incoherent individual greatly disrupts your chosen narrative, but hey, why let the facts and the truth get in the way of your emotionally based political ranting.

Jan LaRue notes:

Clarence Dupnik, the Pima County Sheriff, repeatedly ranted in his press conference about some radio and TV personalities whose "vitriol," "hatred," and "bigotry" has a bad influence on mentally unstable people, "enflaming the American public."  Dupnik opposes the AZ immigration law, calling it "racist," disgusting," and "stupid," and said he wouldn't enforce it.  Apparently, he thinks that only "vitriol" expressed by conservatives has a bad influence on people.
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