Palin: 'I am not going to shut up'

With many on the left still trying to hold her responsible for the Tucson shootings, Palin came out swinging in an interview with Sean Hannity:

After defending the crosshairs on the map flap, Palin went after those who are criticizing her use of the term "blood libel" to describe those who are blaming her for the violence.


In the 30 minute interview, Palin also addressed the criticism she has faced for her video response to the shootings posted last week on Facebook. Critics particularly took issue with the former governor's use of the term "blood libel," a phrase that for many conjures anti-semetic connotations.

"Blood libel obviously means being falsely accused of having blood on your hands. In this case, that's exactly what was going on," she said, adding later, "Just two days before an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal had that term in its title. And that term has been used for eons."

The phrase, which traditionally refers to a long-standing anti-Semitic myth that Jews murder children for religious rituals, drew fire from the Anti-Defamation League and others. But Palin insisted critics were taking issue with the phrasing in hopes of derailing her overall message.

"It isn't about me personally, but it is about the message," she said. "I know that a lot on the left hate my message, and they will do all that they can to stop me because they don't like the message. They'll do what they can to destroy the message and the messenger."

Overall, I'd say that Palin certainly didn't hurt herself with her strong defense of her actions and words. Whether she did herself any good with independents and Republicans is another matter. Both those groups, by large majorities, don't believe she is qualified to be president. We'll see if any minds are changed by her actions.

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