Sheriff Dupnik silenced until further notice

Under orders from Arizona's Pima County Attorney's office, Pima County sheriff, Clarence W. Dupnik (D), has been silenced.

Until further notice, due to a controversy between the Sheriff's Department and the County Attorney's office, no further information reference the January 8, 2011 (sic) shooting will be released.

There has also been little "further information reference" about leftist James Eric Fuller, the slightly wounded victim of the above shooting, arrested after he threatened a Tea Party leader with "You're dead" at an ABC television taping of the events surrounding the shooting.

Was the County Attorney worried that Dupnik's rantings would help the alleged shooter, Jason Louhner's defense, in his trial? Were they also worried that Dupnik's statements were drawing too much attention to prior contact between the Sheriff's and County Attorney's office and the defendant before the incident?

Does this mean that Dupnik's ten minutes of fame are finished or can he still use his final five minutes?

hat tip: Gateway Pundit

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