Sorry AP, your template is showing

Why would a race-obsessed wire service like the Associated Press neglect to mention that New Mexico's first woman governor is a Hispanic? Obviously, because the governor is a Republican, and that just doesn't fit the template of GOP-Racist, Democrats-good guys.

caught the wire service up to its propaganda tricks:

brief January 1 item from the Associated Press's Barry Massey on the inauguration of Susana Martinez ("Martinez becomes NM gov as new year starts") began as follows:

Republican Susana Martinez has claimed her place in history as New Mexico's first female governor, taking office with the start of the new year.

Nothing scares the liberal media more than the prospect of socially conservative Hispanics turning to the GOP. For over a decade the American left has counted on America's growing Hispanic minority to power them to decades of rule over what is left of America post-Obama.

But the GOP has developed some very attractive rising stars of Hispanic derivation, including Governor Martinez. They can expect that either their party affiliation or their ethnicity will fall into a liberal media black hole.
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