Still More Prevaricating from Abercrombie Pal

Denver radio host Peter Boyles of KHOW 630 AM has been making life miserable for Mike Evans, the celebrity journalist pal of Hawaii governor, Neil Abercrombie.

Evans, the reader will recall, first stumbled into the news last week when he told the hosts of the 92 KQRS Morning Show in Minneapolis that Abercrombie had specifically told him, "There is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii - absolutely no proof at all that he was born in Hawaii."

Once this story broke nationally, Boyles and WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi confronted Evans on air, and he began to backtrack.   Evans later told Fox News,

"I was on 34 radio stations that morning.  That [92 KQRS] was the only station where I said, instead of saying, 'The hospital said there's no birth certificate.' I misspoke and said, ‘Neil said that.'" 

This morning, Thursday, when I was on the Boyles show, his producer was gathering clips from other stations around the nation on which Evans had appeared last week, and it became clear that the Minneapolis station was not the "only" one on which Evans "misspoke." 

Last week, in fact, Evans had told the audience of 590 KLBJ in Austin, "Yesterday I talked to Neil. Said that he searched everywhere."

Evans had also told the audience of 94.5 KOOL FM in Phoenix, "Yesterday I talked to Neil ... said he has searched everywhere using his power as governor ... there is no Barack Obama birth certificate."

In listening to these earlier clips, Boyles and I agreed that Evans appeared to be reading from a script and ad-libbing around it as he read.  I suspect that he repeated the Abercrombie claim on all 34 stations.

When I was asked whether Evans was lying or whether someone had gotten to him, I suggested that those two possibilities were not at all mutually exclusive.  Evans has clearly showed the capacity to lie in his claim that he had misspoken only on the Minneapolis show.

Whether or not he lied about his initial conversation with Abercrombie remains to be seen.  In either case, someone likely did get to him.  Abercrombie could do much to clear this up.  So for that matter could Obama.

For those who are interested, WorldNetDaily has done a good job assembling relevant clips.
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