Tucson shootings: Why haven't they blamed George W. Bush?

Liberals and the fossil media have yet to pin blame on George W. Bush for this past weekend's Tucson tragedy.  Sarah Palin is low hanging fruit, and lazy libs don't want to reach higher on the tree, if possible. But in the coming days, when lefty scribes and talking heads are looking for fresh spin, expect some bright star in the left's firmament to come up with a "Bush is responsible" angle. 

After all, former President Bush is a Texan, and Texans are macho.  Bush has a cowboy swagger, don't forget.  Plenty of Texans hunt; some carry guns for protection.  Most folk in the Lone Star State think those gun-toting Texas Rangers of yore were heroes.  And the dastardly Mr. Bush started two wars: one in Iraq and the other in Afghanistan.  Bush's wars glorify killing.  Both wars were inherited by the peace-loving Barack Obama, who's been forced to figure a way out of Bush's rightwing wars on so-called terror (might we simply be misunderstanding Islamic extremism?). 

Bernie Goldberg writes:

It's interesting, and not in a good way, that the same liberals who are so concerned about supposedly hateful conservative speech polluting our national conversation never seemed especially bothered by all the talk about President Bush being a "war criminal" and a "Nazi." 

Well, of course not, Bernie.  Too many liberals and most leftists aren't terribly bothered about smearing President Bush or any prominent figure on the right because they see profit in doing so. 

For the left generally, life is seen exclusively through a political lens.  A tragedy like the Tucson shootings is a chance to play for political advantage.  The left is about the supremacy of its ideology and agenda; moreover, the left is about accruing power.  Amorality is the left's way.  Shameless exploitation of a tragedy or any woe is par for the course.  Such has been the case since Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

One of the gambling houses in Vegas would be smart to put out a line on when the left decides to flog George W. Bush for the Tucson tragedy.  My bet is that it happens sooner rather than later.
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