Bloggers fighting to protect themselves from jihadist attorney

You've no doubt had occasion to visit the excellent site Jawa Report in the past. The guys there have probably done as much as the Justice Department in exposing terrorist websites here in the US, as well as pointing the finger at jihadist supporters in America as well.

But now, their identities are at risk of being exposed, thus putting themselves and their families in danger. One of the bloggers explains:

Back in September we reported that blogger Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and attorney John Stemberger had been sued by Ohio jihadist attorney Omar Tarazi over public comments they made during the Rifqa Bary saga (Stemberger was Rifqa's Florida attorney). We have been following this lawsuit very closely, but several months ago our attention to the case became more personal.

Discovery requests by Tarazi revealed that part of his agenda was to expose my (Barbarossa) real-world identity. One request demands the following from Geller and Stemberger.


Because of our many and very public tangles with jihadists and actual terrorists here at the Jawa Report, revealing anyone of our identities could pose a real danger to our health and safety. If my identity were revealed, Tarazi could use the court system to compel me to reveal the identities of other Jawa contributors (or how much crazy blog ad money Howie spends per month on ghey midget porn). Needless to say, we can't let that happen (especially for Howie).

So earlier this week an attorney filed a motion for a protective order in federal court on behalf of myself and Stemberger's confidential informant. We have posted the motion submitted to the court below the fold. Fortunately, we have a great, experienced attorney representing us. He's confident that the law is on our side to not only protect our identity, but also that this search-and-destroy lawsuit targeting Rifqa's supporters will be promptly thrown out of court. But it might take some time and some financial assistance to make that happen.

The guys are asking for donations to help cover their legal fees. They may have a well known blog, but any blogger could tell you that blogging rarely pays the bills - much less leaves any extra for emergencies such as this.

The Jawa Report has been fighting the good fight for years and has made substantial contributions to keeping America safe. A little appreciation shown for their efforts would be welcome, I'm sure.

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