Dem wants to ban the term 'ObamaCare' from floor debates

"You would think he wants his name attached to his signature legislation."

That's a quote from Denny Rehberg (R-MT) who sponsored the bill that would defund ObamaCare. He has a great point - especially after loony liberal Deborah Wasserman-chultz suggested that all references to "ObamaCare" be banned from debate.

The Hill:

House Republicans and Democrats started Friday morning's debate over whether to defund last year's healthcare law, and as part of this debate sparred over whether members should be allowed to call that law "ObamaCare."
After two House Republicans called it "ObamaCare," Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) asked the chairman whether these "disparaging" remarks should be allowed on the House floor.

"That is a disparaging reference to the president of the United States; it is meant as a disparaging reference to the president of the United States, and it is clearly in violation of the House rules against that," she said.

Because Wasserman Schultz only asked if it would be appropriate to curb the use of the term "ObamaCare," the chairman said he would not rule on a hypothetical. But he did urge members to "refrain from engaging in personalities or descriptions about personalities in general."

If Obama and the Democrats believe that health insurance reform is such a marvelous - "historic" they called it - achievement, how can it be "disparaging" to attach the president's name to it? By their lights, it is the ultimate compliment.

Except, of course, the gargantuan monstrosity of a bill is wildly unpopular and the Dems don't want the president's name associated with it. Too bad. They made their legislative bed, now let them lie in it.

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