Gaddafi tells Palestinians to revolt against Israel

I think the Palestinians are already doing a pretty good imitation of a "revolt," don't you?


Palestinian refugees should capitalise on the wave of popular revolts in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of Israel until it gives in to their demands, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Sunday.

Gaddafi is respected in many parts of the Arab world for his uncompromising criticism of Israel and Arab leaders who have dealings with the Jewish state, though some people in the region dismiss his initiatives as unrealistic.

He was giving his first major speech since a popular uprising in neighbouring Egypt forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign, an event which electrified the Arab world and prompted speculation that other Arab governments could also be toppled.

"Fleets of boats should take Palestinians ... and wait by the Palestinian shores until the problem is resolved," Gaddafi was shown saying on state television. "This is a time of popular revolutions."

Evidently, intifadas and terrorism just isn't doing the trick of destroying Israel - one of Gaddafi's "unrealistic" initiatives" that many in the Arab world actually support. Perhaps the Libyan leader ought to call on President Obama to lend a hand. What is needed is some good old fashioned community organizing. Obama may be a lousy president, but at least he has some experience in riling up the populace.

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