Muslim Brotherhood Wants Egyptian Nukes

If I can readily find this on the Net why can't the big media? It is from WMD Insights, November 2006, a publication sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the U.S. Defense Department.

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Presses Government for Nuclear Weapons

In the summer of 2006...the Muslim Brotherhood...escalated its nuclear goals and openly called for Egypt to develop nuclear weapons as a counter to Israel's nuclear capabilities...Dr. Hamdi Hassan, spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary caucus, made clear that his organization was creating an Egyptian nuclear deterrent: "We [Egyptians] are ready to starve in order to own a nuclear weapon that will represent a real deterrent and will be decisive in the Arab-Israeli conflict."

Yesterday the NYTimes published the ironically entitled What the Muslim Brothers Want by Essam El-Errian, member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood guidance council. He forgot to mention the nuclear weapons.
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