Congressman Anthony Weiner is the Democrats' Court Jester

I watched in fascination last night as Sean Hannity interviewed Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and Congressman Anthony Weiner in a segment of his show discussing the budget and the difficulty for Democrats to find areas in which to make cuts.  Hannity began the segment with the following question to Congressman Weiner: (during the course of the interview, the Congressman attacked Michelle Bachmann by calling her "Bachmann" as if they were two guys sparring in a boxing ring -- the disrespect was obnoxious and she handled it with class):

"All right, Congressman, here's why we are in this position. This is just a fact. You had both Houses of Congress last year -- run by the Democrats. You had White House. You guys didn't pass a budget. It is your responsibility. You should have passed the budget. You didn't pass a budget. Now we find ourselves at this impasse.

"All the Democrats are offering -- it's $4.5 billion in cuts. We have a $1.65 trillion deficit this year, after nearly three trillion of Obama debt in his first two years. And we also have, you know, $3.7 trillion budget.

"You can't find more than $4.5 billion to cut?"

Weiner responded guessed it - it's Bush's fault!!

"Well, frankly, let's get the history right. The Bush administration drove the economy into a cliff and we've been digging out ever since."

And as if that buffoonery were not enough, Weiner threw in the customary liberal attack of those greedy rich people when he stated:

"It's true we also did add a trillion dollars of additional debt and deficit by giving tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires -- something many of us opposed."

During the course of the interview, Weiner screamed over Hannity, refused to answer any questions, made faces and snide comments as if he were a child, and threw out some lies for good measure (for instance, "There were more private sector jobs created under President Obama in his two years"). The man truly looked like a fool but the reason for that goes beyond his obnoxious personality and disrespectful performance -- it goes to the fact that the Democrats have no other choice but to blame Bush, demonize "millionaires and billionaires," and lie.

And that does not make for a winning platform. Watching Weiner last night made me realize that all of the lies that will be told by Democrats in the lead up to the 2012 elections will only result in their party's diminishment in the future governance of the country. The American people are onto the likes of Anthony Weiner and at best we find him amusing and pathetic. I look forward to the entertainment of the countless court jesters that the Democrats will provide over the next two years.
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