Forbidden and permitted for teens

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the State Legislators in Connecticut have offered up the latest bit of wisdom from our betters.

The Pediatricians of course, ever vigilant regarding the health of children, want to ban the use of tanning salons for teenagers.

A Bill has been introduced in the Connecticut Legislature to fine parents who do not accompany their children (18 and under) to the tanning salon, up to $100.

So the list of restriction for minors goes on. Pierced ears or other parts of the body? Better have permission.

Smoking? Absolutely, positively not.

Alcohol? Absolutely, positively not.

Tattoos? Better have it in witting.

Teenage abortions and the unborn?

None of your business, children have the right to make their own decisions about invasive surgical procedures that result in the death of the unborn and might leave permanent emotional as well as physical issues for years to come to the teenager.
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