Obama on Libya: The Magic is Gone

More political fall out from Obama's speech on Libya. Rasmussen's before and after polls show no bump for the president and even a loss of support for the mission:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters rate the Obama administration's response to the Libya situation as good or excellent, marking little change from two previous surveys. Thirty percent (30%) give the administration poor marks, up from 21% earlier this month before the president committed U.S. forces to Libya. (To see survey question wording, click here. )

Forty percent (40%) of voters felt at that time that the administration was doing a good or excellent job responding to the political crisis in Libya. Last week, with the U.S. military actively involved in Libya, 41% rated the Obama administration's response as good or excellent, but 28% said it was doing a poor job.

The numbers also worsened slightly for the president from last week when voters are asked if Libya is vital to U.S. national security these days. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of voters say yes, while 48% say no, up six points from a week ago. Twenty-four percent (24%) remain undecided.

The latest survey was taken Monday and Tuesday nights, and the findings from the first night prior to the president's speech and the second night after the speech show virtually no change on either question.

Fewer people watched the speech and it is apparent from these numbers that the president has not changed any minds. I find it remarkable that a military action by a president would not have sent his numbers climbing - at least temporarily.

Is Obama irrelevant? Or are people on to him and realize that he's an empty suit? Both, maybe. His approval numbers indicate that fewer people are pleased with his performance - a trend that continues to make it clear that the GOP will have an historic chance in 2012 to upend a sitting president. 

H/T: Hot Air

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