Arizona: 'The Show Me State' for presidential candidates

The Obama regime and their top enforcer Eric Holder are getting pretty sick and tired of Arizona.  Last year the regime was forced to file suit against the border state for passing a law which sought to enforce existing federal law regarding illegal immigration and now those pesky Arizona legislators have passed a new law requiring that all presidential candidates prove that they are qualified to serve as chief executive.  What is it with these Arizona lawmakers anyway?  Why are they so obsessed with the law and the constitution?


The Arizona Republic reports:


Bill 2177 got final approval Thursday night from the House.  It will be transmitted to Gov. Jan Brewer, who will then have five days to sign it, veto it or do nothing and allow it to become law.




HB2177, sponsored by Rep. Carl Steel, R-Phoenix, would require presidential and vice-presidential candidates to provide the Arizona secretary of state with documents proving they were natural born citizens.


Those documents can be either a long-form birth certificate or two or more other permitted documents, including an early baptismal certificate, circumcision certificate, hospital birth record, postpartum medical record signed by the person who delivered the child or an early census record.


If a candidate failed to submit required documents or the secretary of state deemed them insufficient, the candidate would not be listed on Arizona’s ballot.


My guess is that Eric Holder will file suit against Arizona’s HB2177 before the ink is even dry on the law.  The challenge to the Obama regime will be how they can spin the law suit to conceal their true purpose of protecting the current president’s eligibility for office.


The Arizona Legislature has been considering similar measures over the past two years, but each previous attempt has been stalled in committee.  The fact that this bill has passed the legislature may well be due to the “Donald Trump effect.”  Since Mr. Trump has publically questioned the current president’s qualification for office the question of eligibility has found new life.  Being taunted by the MSM as a “birther” no longer carries the stigma it did just a few short weeks ago.


Stay tuned this should be interesting.


April 16, 2011

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