Breitbart in Madison: 'I repeat to the TrumkaObama Class War Cult - Go to Hell'

New Media impresario Andrew Breitbart introduced Sarah Palin at the tea party rally in Madison yesterday. But in order to get to the stage, he and other tea partiers had to run a gauntlet of screaming, gesturing, frenzied labor union thugs who were tossing sexual insults at Sarah Palin that would have burned the ears of a dockworker.

Writing in one of his own creations, Big Government, Brietbart has a message for the goons:

But there was another group also there to greet us; the shock troops sent by Richard Trumka and president Obama's Organizing for America. This was my second trip to Madison in the last couple of months and the defeats that the union's leadership have suffered in that time have plunged these losers into an even more animalistic state of frenzy. Still stinging from last week's election reaffirmation of Gov. Scott Walker's policy of requiring public sector unions to face some of the economic realities that the rest of us have to deal with, the counter protesters both homegrown and bussed in them were louder, ruder and more desperate than ever. Their goal is to be as intimidating as the Green Bay Packers offensive line and it's one of the only areas that they've had success.

The TV cameras showing the speech caught little of this phalanx of thugs that we had to walk through. Middle fingers flew and the trendy talking point insult of "Koch Suckers!" was everywhere. Sarah Palin was called names that made me wonder if Bill Maher was writing for this mob. Apparently, women-hating sexual mockery is acceptable if directed at the right, even if that woman's children are present.

The Wisconsin Tea Party supporters made it all worthwhile. These are men and women who have braved a battle and come through victorious not by bullying but by being part of the silent majority willing to support tough-minded, adult decision making. The message from speaker after speaker was that Wisconsin's example of not being intimidated by the bankrupt tactics of the left is something that all Americans need to hear.

Of course, don't expect that message to come from the mainstream media, whose sentiments are more with the union driven threat machine than the taxpayers.

You can't help but notice that the more ground the left loses lately, the louder, the more obscene, and the more unhinged their protests. Calling them out for their tactics should be done often, and Breitbart is just the man to do it.

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