Dems Fear Tea Party

On Friday an elected official from Nevada mocked American citizens who pay his salary. Senator Harry Reid denigrated a few hundred Tea Partiers who showed up at the Capitol to rally for deeper spending cuts.

"There were tens of them here yesterday. That's a chosen word, tens of them," Reid said on a conference call with reporters.

Reid also said his party is committed to keeping out controversial policy riders favored by the Tea Party and House Republicans from the spending proposal, such as provisions to defund the new healthcare law and Planned Parenthood.

"We are not going to bend on some of these ridiculous riders they have," he said.        

Although it's disconcerting to hear a public official dismiss alert Americans trying to head off an economic tsunami, the myopic Reid represents a whole slew of pols including Obama who never saw the Tea Party coming. Since it's clearly a force to be reckoned with, the Dems will be bashing the patriots even more

Last May, speaking to guests at a dinner party, the President stated the Tea Party harbors a "subterranean" agenda.  How delusional. The message coming from average Americans has been loud, clear and transparent: stop spending money we don't have; nothing hidden there.

But perhaps Obama's word choice suggests he doesn't have a clue how many subterraneans might really be out there. The hundreds who showed up this past Friday may have given the Dems hope that the numbers are dwindling. Shhh! Let them think what they want.

A few days before the rally, Sen. Chuck Schumer, in a conference call with fellow Dems, coached them to "always use the word ‘extreme'" when referring to Speaker Boehner and spending cuts:

The main thrust is basically that we want to negotiate and we want to come up with a compromise but the Tea Party is pulling Boehner too far over to the right and so far over that there is no more fruitful negotiations...The only way we can avoid a shutdown is for Boehner to come up with a reasonable compromise and not just listen to what the Tea Party wants.

At this point when most people are battening down the hatches, Schumer's directive to paint the Tea Party as right wing extremists is laughable. This administration can manipulate numbers all over the place but moms, dads and young people standing in line at the grocery store, the gas station and job fairs tell a different story.

The Democrats along with their media shills can only ward off reality for so long with bogus charges before the ground swells and the clouds burst open.

With inflation, debt and 13.5 million people out of work the Dems will ramp up anti-Tea Party rhetoric to squelch dissent, telling establishment Republicans not to "listen to what the Tea Party wants." As Obama announces his re-election bid this week, expect the lies about the Tea Party to increase exponentially. But all the mockery and hoodwinking the Reids and Schumers can muster will not stem the rising tide of disgruntled Americans.

Read more M.Catharine Evans at


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