Green schemer parties with Obama at $35,800 a ticket campaign event

Obama is coming to Hollywood to party at some campaign events, including one where tickets are $35,800 a pop. Among the attendees will be one Elon Musk, founder and major investor in the electric car company, Tesla.

Is it a coincidence that his tiny car company was the recipient of a whopping $465 million in U.S. government loans and loan guarantees?

Electric cars are beset by affordability issues (though helped by government tax breaks for those who buy electric cars), inefficiency, start-up problems in cold weather, reliability, and have recently been blamed for starting fires in an owner's garage. causing fires. They are a bomb in the marketplace, a bomb on the roads, and a bomb on our fiscal health as Obama rewards campaign contributors at taxpayer expense.

Crony capitalism in alive and well in Obama's Washington and everywhere else where Obama's friends and donors live. Where is the Change?

Obama has brought Cook County politics to the big show.
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