Gingrich's Ten Steps to an Ongoing GOP Majority

Newt Gingrich is always at his best in the world of strategy and tactics.  A couple of days ago, via Human Events, the former House Speaker issued his "10 Steps to a Stable Governing Majority."  His target audience: GOP House freshmen, who would profit from carefully considering Gingrich's suggestions.

Here are Gingrich's recommendations with abbreviated explanations (read Gringrich's elaborations here):

  • 1. Do not focus on November 2012. Instead, focus on January 2021. In other words, do what's best for the nation rather than calculating what's best for the next election. Sound decisions are like smart investments; they eventually payoff.
  • 2. Fight for the values of the American people. President Obama and the radicalized left that runs the Democrat Party don't hold mainstream values. Champion boldly what most Americans' value.
  • 3. American Exceptionalism Matters. America continues to have a special role in the world and a special destiny. Republicans need to proclaim the rightness of American exceptionalism and defend it against the left's efforts to diminish America.
  • 4. Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less. Without oil, coal, and natural gas the nation's economy grinds to a halt - or much higher energy costs wreck the economy. Do we really want to be dependent on a volatile Middle East for most of our energy?
  • 5. Focus on Communication. From Gingrich's memo: "Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had a rule: ‘First you win the argument then you win the vote.'"
  • 6. Inclusion, not outreach. Bring Americans into the decision-making process, which is better than trying to sell Americans on decisions made without their input.
  • 7. Be smart, not cheap. Go after departments, agencies, and programs that are spendthrift, duplicate, or better off in states and localities; keep others that have shown tangible benefits.
  • 8. Boldness will be rewarded. The nation has entered critical, perhaps momentous, times. GOP legislators need to rise to the occasion. Americans want leaders - leaders who have common sense and represent core American traditions and beliefs.
  • 9. A Contract with America in 2012. Layout a bold, smart plan to reform and downsize government and revitalize the economy.
  • 10. Cheerful persistence will be the key habit for success. Reagan was a determined, optimistic warrior - and he won.

These are times when the nation needs clear choices and direction.  The GOP has the opportunity to provide a compelling vision, a smart roadmap, and sound legislation - all built on time-honored American principles and values.  Gringrich's recommendations, if embraced, help advance the cause of retaking the nation from Mr. Obama and the left in 2012 and beyond. 
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