I Can't Get No...

Did you realize that what really matters is whether President Obama is satisfied? At least that can be inferred from his speeches and remarks. Whenever some economic indicator ticks upwards, President Obama cheers the good news, but quickly lets us know that he is not yet satisfied.

I did a search on the White House web site, and here are some excerpts.

"I'm pleased with the progress we've made, but I'm not satisfied.  I'm confident in the future, but I'm not content with the present...  I'm not satisfied." April 29, 2009. Remarks by the President at Arnold, Missouri Town Hall

"I'm pleased with our progress, but I'm not satisfied." April 29, 2009. News Conference by the President, 4/29/2009

"And I'm pleased with how far we've come -- but I'm not satisfied." May 17, 2009. Remarks by the President at Keep Indiana Blue Fundraiser in Indianapolis, 5/17/2009

"I'm pleased with how far we've come, but I'm not satisfied. I'm confident in the future, but I'm not content -- (applause)..." May 17, 2009. Remarks by the President at a fundraiser for Senator Harry Reid, 5/26/2009

"And I'm pleased about that, but I'm not satisfied." May 19, 2009. Remarks by the President at ceremony honoring National Small Business Award Winners

"And I don't feel satisfied with the progress that we've made." June 23, 2009. Press Conference by the President, 6-23-09

"So I'm proud of the progress we've made.  But I'm not satisfied, and I know you aren't either." July 24, 2009. Remarks by the President on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Proclamation Signing

"And though I will never be satisfied while people are out of work ..." Sept. 14, 2009. Remarks by the President on Financial Rescue and Reform at Federal Hall

"... the President and I will not be satisfied until monthly reports show net job growth." Oct. 30, 2009. New Recipient Reports Confirm Recovery Act Has Created Saved Over One Million Jobs Nationwide

"No matter what the economic statistics say, I won't be satisfied until folks who need work can find good jobs." April 24, 2010. Weekly Address: President Obama Says Promising News From the Auto Industry Doesn't Reduce Need for Wall Street Reform

"Having said all that, I'm still not satisfied with where we're at." June 30, 2010. Remarks by the President at a Town Hall Meeting on the Economy in Racine, Wisconsin

"I won't be satisfied as long as even one person who needs a job and wants to work can't find one." July 15, 2010. President Obama on Advanced Batteries in Michigan: "A Symbol of Where America is Going"

"I won't be satisfied as long as even one person who needs a job and wants to work can't find one." July 15, 2010. Remarks by the President in Holland, Michigan on Investing in Clean Energy

"But I will not be satisfied until the environment has been restored, no matter how long it takes. " Aug. 14, 2010. Remarks by the President on Gulf Coast Recovery in Panama City, Florida

"But, I won't be satisfied until every woman receives equal pay for equal work ..." Sept. 24, 2010. Lessons from Ledbetter: Continuing the Fight for Pay Equity

"And I won't be satisfied until everybody who is looking for a job can find one." Nov. 5, 2010. Remarks by the President on the October Jobs Report

I think we could program a computer to write an Obama speech. It might go something like this:

"And let me be clear, I reject the tired old debate that we must choose between two extremes. That is a false choice. I inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. And I'm pleased with how far we've come -- but I'm not satisfied. And I won't be satisfied until everybody who is looking for a job can find one."

Here's another thought: we can satisfy our President by not looking for jobs. But until then, our dear leader is not satisfied.
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