Obama's 'Bemusement'

Detached "bemusement" at other people's struggles is nothing new to Obama. In his remarkably detached autobiography, he wrote with delight (at page four) about how he much "enjoyed" humiliating "white people."  It's true, still bemused after all those years, Mr. Obama, the rising Harvard Law star,  kicked off his life's story by remembering fondly the pleasure he took in lounging around and laughing, as his roommate mocked and cursed white pedestrians into bending before them, to scoop up dog "shit" (as the sophisticated, debonair Mr. Obama indelicately put it) from the curb outside their New York apartment.

Like the mean neighborhood kid down the block who liked to watch a trapped bug or caught chameleon struggle vainly for life as the sun burned into an imprisoning jar on a hot summer afternoon, Obama watched and laughed at the "white" folks trapped in front of his apartment stoop then, just as he has for several years now, right up through this morning's press event, laughed at an America cut ever  deeply by the cleaver of doubt splitting through the body politic over why he had his lawyers keep his birth certificate, and nearly all his life history, top secret, even while running for President, and ever since.  Unfeeling, he watched, coldly he watched, as lawsuits were filed, and even as a distinguished military doctor went to prison rather than obey a perhaps fraudulent order from a mystery man President who spent millions to keep his birth certificate and other records from public view.

It was all amusing to Obama. He even laughed again yesterday at the fawning media heads as they scurried to get to his press event, scorning them for paying attention to his birth certificate evasions instead of more important "stuff."

Obama floats above all situations that he possibly can, hovering like a god, above the struggles of the humans below him. Detachment and inappropriate bemusement run through Obama's book and his life like a sewer. Some of it ("my bemusement") trickled out yesterday, as, off teleprompter for a moment, Obama sprung his trap on "silly" Americans who tried to figure out why he has sealed his life's records in a tomb.  

Obama has quietly smirked his "bemusement" for more than two years as Americans noticed his hidden life records, from birth through his transcripts from high school through law school, his multiple names, and passport records of his travels to Pakistan and beyond. Playing right along, the media has ignored the story of the Marxist professors, associates and mentors he admits  he "sought out," and of his intimacy with his terrorist literary ghost writer buddy (Bill Ayers) who posed trampling on an American flag in an alley after the attacks of 9/11.  Obama must be bemused at the media‘s utter disinterest in his maniacally raving anti-American black racist pastor, his chosen church's "Black Value System" (as nastily segregationist as anything George Wallace ever supported in his worst moments).

So, why did Obama release the certificate? Pundits say it's because polls showed the issue had begun to hurt him in the polls. But that's not it. It's because the issue was powering Trump toward taking the Presidency away from him. A con man fears a man too self assured to be conned. Trump is the man. Trump has Obama's number. And if Trump's plain spoken, fearless questioning goes on for two years, the whole sordid mess of Marxists, American terrorists, shadowy Saudi figures, and America hating, black racists, pro-Soviet Union misanthropes Obama has chosen to spend his life with will come tumbling out.

In the meantime, there are two years to go. America is trapped in the bottle. Obama, unfeeling, is watching. If his polls keep going down,  Obama may turn up the heat and America may be very lucky to get out of the bottle alive.

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