Patriots are like Salmon?

It would appear that the older I get, the angrier I become when I consider what politicians have done to this great land.  This isn't the same country I was born into and it most certainly isn't my father's country.  To further rile my cheerless outlook, I am constantly amazed at what appears to be a complete lack of concern by our youth over the direction this country is headed.  

A recent Harvard poll reveals that college students' approval rating for a derelict President has gone up 9 points since last year!  Up?  What the heck are they watching?  Deficit; what deficit?  National security?  Heck no, American Idol was on last night and they've got an idol in the White House.  What is it going to take for these voting Americans to wake up and realize just how bad off this country is right now? 

Is my advanced age a factor because we were part of the good ole' days and we've seen what she used to look like, or is it perhaps something more?  I got to thinking that perhaps me, along with many seasoned Americans who stand shoulder to shoulder as Tea Party patriots, are much like the Alaskan salmon.  As we near the expiration of our existence, we struggle to find our way back to the place of our birth.  I'm not referring to our actual place of birth, but rather the birth of our country...the country that our founders created.  My heart yearns to regain the basis of our creation or the roots of our birth. I can only imagine that I am not alone in this quest?

You see, the salmon, once they have fully matured, will swim back to their original stream or river where they re-adapt to the fresh water and swim back up the stream to reach their spawning grounds. Sometimes this means swimming up rugged rivers with miles of rapids and even waterfalls to leap and bear claws to avoid. The obstacles that they must face and the hurdles they must clear are not even concerns for the fish.  They have only one goal; to make it back to the place of their birth.  They realize that their life is not complete without this final journey being completed.  The lives of their spawn depend upon it.

Well folks, the lives of our spawn depend on how true patriots react to the hurdles placed in front of us as the country sails further away from a constitutional republic.  The Progressives are an obstacle for us to overcome as we swim upstream in our desire to restore our birthplace before we expire.   As 2012 nears, I consider this occurrence a "bear in the middle of the river", the final hurdle placed before me as I make my swim upstream. 

The bear in the middle of the river just doesn't realize that we have him outnumbered five to one.
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