Dems Unleash the Dogs of Fear

Anyone who doubts that the Democrats are going to run a 2012 campaign based on fear is deluding himself.  It's already starting, as indicated by an e-mail sent out this week by the Soros-funded Political Action (full text below).  Behold this bit of fearmongering:

In New Mexico, Republicans are pushing legislation to make it harder for Latinos, students, seniors, and poor people to vote. And across the country, the organizing rights of unions are under attack, while millions of poor and disabled seniors are being dumped from Medicaid.

Granted, there is a single half-truth in that paragraph: public service unions are in fact under attack by taxpayers, who are fed up with funding outrageous benefit and retirement programs.  The rest is pure scare tactics.  No one in New Mexico is trying to make it harder for Latinos, students, seniors, or poor people to vote.  That is a complete fiction that the libs are trying to spin from the much narrower attempt by New Mexico's new Republican governor, Susana Martinez, to revoke the insane law instigated and enacted by Bill Richardson that permits illegal, and frequently criminal, aliens to legally obtain drivers licenses.  MoveOn conveniently fails to mention that liberal Democrats in the state legislature prevented her from achieving this goal.

Even more despicable than MoveOn's e-mailed lies is a video commercial by the Agenda Project, a leftwing Democrat group headed up by Erica Payne, who is a former somebody on the Democratic National Committee.  In this invidious video, Grandma literally goes over the cliff courtesy of a cold-hearted Republican in business attire.  No doubt by election week, Americans will be treated to videos of bloody-fanged, jackbooted troopers with Rs on their helmets, catching babies on bayonets -- courtesy of these ever-so-civil progressives.

In any political race, one can expect truth to get nicked.  But in the impending campaign, where they have no record to run on, it appears that the Democrats intend to forego even the veneer of truth and their much-ballyhooed civility in favor of total exploitation of truth's most disabling enemy: fear.  Even this early, the surly minions at MoveOn and Agenda Project have begun to unleash the dogs of fear upon those Americans most susceptible: the aged, the weak, the infirm, and the uninformed, the most apprehensive voters among us.  The media have long prided themselves on being able to scare the wits out of far too many unquestioning viewers.  The Democrats are proving just as adept, demonstrating another certain truth: that there is no longer a nickel's worth of difference between these two thoroughly corrupt institutions.  Come this election, truth is not just going to suffer some nips and bites; it's more likely to get mauled.


Dear New Mexico MoveOn member,

Imagine if tea party Republicans were in charge of everything-without President Obama to veto their worst bills.

That's pretty much the situation in 20 states-almost half the country-and what we're seeing is absolutely horrifying.

In New Mexico, Republicans are pushing legislation to make it harder for Latinos, students, seniors, and poor people to vote. And across the country, the organizing rights of unions are under attack, while millions of poor and disabled seniors are being dumped from Medicaid.

The clock is ticking: With just a couple weeks left in many state legislative sessions, Republican politicians across the country are racing to pass the most extreme right-wing bills while they still can.

That's why we've launched a major new initiative to fight back against the worst Republican officials-but we need to raise $200,000 to make sure we have the resources to take on so many fights at once.

Can you chip in $5 right now?

Here's the plan: To take on the right-wing assault in so many different states and communities, we've launched a whole new online organizing platform called allows local progressive organizations and leaders to run their own MoveOn-style campaigns by creating online petitions, sending timely email alerts to their grassroots supporters, and connecting with other local progressives who can help.

By linking MoveOn's online organizing know-how with the best local progressive leaders, we will have the grassroots muscle we need to win. Here are some great examples of Sign On at work:

In Florida, pro-choice Representative Scott Randolph used Sign On to fight back against a raft of bills attacking abortion rights.

In Pennsylvania, a coalition of progressive leaders are using Sign On to stop Governor Tom Corbett from cutting one billion dollars from public schools.

And in Maine, more than 18,000 people have signed a Sign On petition supporting legislation to allow voters to recall the state's tea party governor, Paul Le Page.

But there are so many more fights we need to take on-and the repercussions of these fights go far beyond each state's borders, because a terrible law passed in one state often becomes a model for others, like Arizona's radical anti-immigration law.

It's only with the support of our members that we can follow through on all these key fights.

Click here to chip in $5-or as much as you can

Thanks for all you do.

-Anna, Steven, Adam, Michael, and the rest of the team
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