Know your enemy

On this Memorial Day Weekend in the United States Americans should pause to honor the brave men and women of the Armed Forces who are fighting and dying to protect freedom and the American way of life in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places around the world. They should then reflect on what and who America's real enemies are.

There are really only two principal answers to that...Islam and all those who enable it to further its raison d'etre of conquering the United States and the West, establishing a worldwide Islamic Caliphate and imposing Islamic Law, Sharia, on everyone. Among others, that includes Jihadists, so-called religious figures, businessmen, academics, 'ordinary citizens', leftists and Western politicians who are furthering its rise in their home countries and around the world, such as President Obama.

Don't think Islam isn't the mortal enemy of America and the West? Take some time and do some independent, honest, unbiased, objective, serious research into it and its 1400year history and you'll come to a much different realization. Hell, just open your eyes and look around. The United States and the West are under attack in the name of Islam everywhere and Western freedom, democracy, values and institutions are being threatened wherever they exist, including the U.S. itself.

Don't think President Obama is furthering the rise of Islam in America and around the world? Ignore the sycophants, apologists and ignoramuses who turned him into a media darling and examine his actual record since he came into office. Islam is in a much stronger position vis a' vis the United States and the West since he was elected and is growing stronger day by day, in large part because he has fostered its spread in any number of ways and done nothing substantial to deter and prevent atrocities and potential calamities such as nuclear war in the Middle East. Talk about letting the genie out of the bottle...that's exactly what he has done.

Pause and reflect. And then do everything you can to keep him from getting re-elected in 2012. That would be the best way to honor the men and women of the Armed Forces and protect our freedom and way of life at the same time.
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