OMB Needs a Union Now?

Liberals constantly assure us that unlike the evil, profit-driven private sector, government in Washington is all-knowing, trustworthy, altruistic, and all-caring, with respect to the welfare of the citizenry and especially the workforce in all important matters concerning compensation, workplace safety, medical care, education, civil rights, workers rights, labor policy, public health, pollution, fuel prices, energy-efficiency, access to credit, financial regulation, communications, pharmacy, scientific research, and the entire global environment -- to name a partial list.

How, then, can it possibly be that top White House budgeteers cannot be trusted to set a "proper wage" in their own budget for the White House's own top "budget wonks," prompting the employees of the Office of Management and Budget to contemplate forming a union to collectively combat their exploitative employer?  Ironically, the OMB Director agrees that reliance on a third party, namely a union, is necessary for the OMB the establish the correct terms for compensation in its own operating budget:

The administration is a strong supporter of the right of workers to organize. It is up to the people working at any bargaining unit to decide if they want to join a union or not," [OMB Director, Kenneth] Baer said. "Whatever the decision of these employees may be, we are committed to working together to serve the president and the American people.

Good thing the union is standing by to get the White House budget office organized properly -- doubtless for princely compensation at taxpayers' expense.
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