Rudy tops new poll?

This is total nonsense from CNN:

The survey shows Giuliani getting 16 percent of independents and Republicans, with nominal frontrunner Mitt Romney a point behind at 15 percent.

Excuse me but what the heck is CNN doing polling "independents?" While indies can vote in GOP primaries in many states, there are also a lot of primaries that are for registered Republicans only.

Regardless, if indies are included in the survey, they are logically going to be less enthused about partisan candidates than GOP regulars would be:

"Giuliani has the top spot in a 12-candidate field, but he doesn't generate a lot of enthusiasm. Only about a quarter of Republicans nationwide said that they would be enthusiastic if Giuliani won the nomination," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "But he's not alone - only a quarter would be enthusiastic if Palin got the party's nod, and only one in five would feel the same way if Romney became the GOP's standard bearer in 2012."

Giuliani, who has not closed the door to another run in 2012, is headed to New Hampshire for events next week.

Rudy doesn't have a prayer. He's well known, but not very well liked in critical areas where a GOP nominee has to do well to win, especially the south. He's on the wrong side of social issues, and his personal baggage weighs him down. He has no national organization to speak of at this point and his path to the nomination goes through another northeastern moderate conservative - Mitt Romney - who will outspend him by a considerable margin. Besides all that, many observers believe Giuliani will decide not to run in the end anyway.

But CNN boosting his candidacy via this ridiculous poll says more about the network's intentions that Rudy's.

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