Troubled Foxconn factory in China rocked by explosion

Will Apple create a new app that provides up-to-the-minute information on the rising death toll at the southwest China Foxconn plant where the new iPad is manufactured?  The massive Chengdu factory which is Apple’s key assembly plant for their popular iPad, iPod and iPhone has become infamous for labor unrest and suicide among its 400,000 work force.  An explosion which killed two workers on Friday has sparked fresh calls for an investigation into working conditions.  The UK Daily Mail reports:


A blast rocked a compound at the building in southwest China earlier this evening, sending dozens of workers fleeing into the streets as flames engulfed the electronics inside.


The fire is the latest disaster to hit the cursed Foxconn factory-dubbed Suicide Express-where a string of workers have killed themselves amid appalling working conditions.




Employees who were inside the building at the time said the explosion, which happened early this evening, seemed accidental.


The Foxconn complex has become notorious for labor abuses and a high rate of suicide among the workforce.  Earlier this month it was reported that new employees were being forced to sign a pledge that they will not commit suicide.  The families of workers who break the pledge will only be able to receive the legal minimum in damages.


The pledge is the latest attempt by Foxconn to stem the tide of suicides which has reached 14 during the past 16 months.  Previous attempts have included Buddhist Monks who were employed to exorcise evil spirits and the installation of netting to prevent workers from jumping out of dormitory windows. 


The demand for Apple’s iPad has put even more pressure on Foxconn and its workers to meet burgeoning demand.  Workers often work 60-80 hours of overtime each month and share dormitory rooms with as many as 24 co-workers.  Many employees claim that they are not allowed to speak to their co-workers during their shift and anyone who fails to meet their quota is publicly humiliated.


Ailing liberal icon and fervent Obama supporter Steve Jobs is a good businessman for having the vision to create highly desirable products which are manufactured overseas beyond the grasp of governmental interference.  Meanwhile Boeing has built a new facility that will employ American workers in South Carolina and for their patriotic efforts they face the wrath of Obama’s NLRB. 


May 21, 2011


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